Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Equinox

Equinox seems like a great time to level the playing ground. A good time to focus on an egalitarian community of equal opportunities and resources. Imagine such a world —pretty amazing for the whole as well as each individual. Everyone would have health care, natural wholesome food to eat, a roof over their head, clothes to keep them warm, and meaningful work to satisfy their spiritual yearnings. Maybe it’s time for us women, the glue of society, to speak out for a better world. One that caretakes all the children of mother earth and even mother earth herself.

I’ve been sick the past few weeks. This is quite unusual for me but not feeling well always gifts us with time to think. My symptoms were a cough, congestion, and no energy. I understand I am quite lucky.
It seems many other’s possessed with the crud creeping across southeast Ohio have had even more uncomfortable symptoms. The cough caught my attention, however, on a “what’s this mean on another level” kind of thought process. Coughing is like barking at the world, a desire to be heard, a need to speak and express oneself. Thus I have been stimulated to begin my journey into the world of blogs.

It is time for women to speak and- to be heard. That is the tricky part. We are not always listened to as our position in this patriarchal society has not afforded us much presence. Women’s work is hidden and is thus not fairly compensated, respected, or valued yet where would society be without it? Women’s work may not be worth much monetarily but its absence would have devastating effects. Women’s work provides much wisdom and insight into human intentions and relationships. It allows one to witness the actions and motives of an individual from a very young age and throughout development.

The chiefs in the American tribes may have been male but they were monitored by the wise woman council. These elder women possessed a decision making power that super-seeded all others in the tribe. Their opinions were honored and carried much weight in the workings of the community. These feminine elders could see within the hearts and souls of their people and guided them towards actions that put the well being of the group ahead of any individual.

These times are quite challenging. The tsunami and nuclear chaos in Japan leaves much for each of us to think about and digest. Though I do not have tv, I have seen a few newscasts. It is amazing how healthy the Japanese people look- no obesity in this society. I heard a story about a woman over 80 who peddled her way out of the approaching tsunami- these people must be in pretty good shape as well. They are cooperatively working together to rebuild their lives. They have lost much but they maintain faith and a determination to restore their lives. There is no looting or violence or putting oneself above another. We have much to learn from these people.

These are challenging times that offer many gifts as well. It is time to look deeply, within our souls, within our communities, within the world- and make choices based on 7 generations, not the immediate presence. We can do it, so lets start NOW.


Cindy Parker